

Data transmission in RS232 serial mode between PC and CNC

Data transmission between PC and CNC

SerCom is a Windows application able, with a single user interface and working mode, to archive the NC program files from any NC type to one or multiple PC. In this way should be possible to store in a safe place, all optimized program and having them always available for any NC connected.

It allows the receiving and transmission between PC and NC both in DNC and RS232 serial mode.

The DNC mode allows, in case the file size are bigger then the NC memory, to directly manage their automatically execution directly from PC. Obviously the NC must have this option.

It is possible to connect at the same time through multi-serial boards or WiFi/Network to serial converter, up to 44 machine tools.

In order to make more effective and less wasteful the send and receiving operation, SerCom cna be managed in remote mode. Through simple commands configurable in any NC, it is possible operate directly from the NC.


  • HandleS DNC and RS232 communication between PC and machine tool (for Windows NT, Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 10).
  • Has optional modules to manage specific communications protocol for SELCA CNC (protocol INDATAL), HEIDENAIN (FE2) and FAGOR (DNC30).
  • Connects many CNC to a single computer and this enables to send and receive very long part-programs at the same time.
  • Can be used in remote mode. It means that the transmissions can be launched directly from the CNC keyboard. In this way, the machine tool operators are autonomous.
  • Can also send only a part of a part-program starting from a certain block number (N125 …), from a specific character string (X130.54) or from a file percentage, sending as first all technological blocks ( tool call, feed rate, spindle speed, etc) and then jumping to the desired program line.
  • Can communicate a sequence of programmes to a CNC, creating a simple list of files to be transferred.
  • New CNC device configuration is very simple and lets the user do everything on his own, with no added costs.

System requirements:

  • Intel or AMD Processor
  • RAM Memory 4 GB
  • SVGA Graphic board
  • Monitor 15″/17″
  • Available serial ports

Operating System:

  • Windows XP Professional SP3
  • Windows 7
  • Windows 8
  • Windows 10

Supported Hardware:

  • Standard PC Serial ports
  • Multiserial PCI board (2 to 16 output)
  • USB -> RS232 converters
  • Wi-Fi -> RS232 network converters
  • Ethernet -> RS232 network converters
  • Ethernet Hub RS232 output ports

Special Protocols:

  • Selca InDatal for NC 1200/3045/4000 with serial option
  • Heidenhain FE2 for NN 155, 355, 360 and series 400
  • Fagor DNC30 for NC 8015, 8020, 8030